
  唐迪        2017-11-07        4881



Giving dap

  • dap is a friendly gesture of greeting, agreement, or solidarity between two people that has become popular in western cultures, particularly since the 1970s, originating from African American communities. Giving dap typically involves handshaking (often, by hooking thumbs), 

  • pound hugging, fist pounding, or chest- bumping The practice and term originated among black soldiers during the Vietnam War, as part of the Black Power movement  and the term is attested since 1971.

  • Some people believe that “dap” is an acronym for “dignity and pride,” reflecting the adoption of the dap greeting by the black power movement. Others suggest that “dignity and pride” is merely what is sometimes called a "backronym" — an acronym thought up after a word already existed. "Dap" also might be a shortening of another word or an onomatopoeia — a word that imitates the noise produced by this type of greeting; some dap greetings create a sound much like “dap,” which is produced by pulling the slightly cupped hands of the participants against each other.

Barack Obama bumping elbows with two

General Services Administration workers in 2012

"The Elbow Bump" greeting

Elbow bump

  • The elbow bump is an informal greeting where two people touch elbows. Interest in this greeting was renewed during the avian flu scare of 2006 and the2009 swine flu outbreak, and the Ebola outbreak of 2014 when health officials supported its use to reduce the spread of germs.

In this diagram, fist a and fist become

together and "bump".

A fist bump

Fist bump

  • A fist bump (also called power five, dap, fist pound, touch, or brofist) is a gesture similar in meaning to a handshake or high five. A fist bump can also be a symbol of giving respect. It can be followed by various other hand and body gestures and may be part of a dap greeting. It is commonly used in baseball and hockey as a form of celebration with teammates, and with opposition players at the end of a game. In cricket it is a common celebratory gesture between batting partners.

Buck Showalter (left) engagesMatt Wieters in a pound hug

Pound hug

  • The pound hug (also referred to as a pound shake, hip-hop hug, one-armed hug, dude hug, cootie hug, homie hug, shug, hetero hug, bro-grab,bro hug, brah hug, thug hug, man-hug, or a daps) is a stylized greeting, exclusively performed between two people, that consists of a combination of a handshake and one-armed hug.

  • 英镑拥抱(也称为一个英磅握手,拥抱嘻哈,独臂拥抱,兄弟拥抱,虱子拥抱,亲密的拥抱,孩子,异性拥抱,兄弟-抓住兄弟拥抱,兄弟拥抱,拥抱的暴徒,男人的拥抱,或一个地区行动计划)是一个程式化的问候,两人之间的完全执行,由一个握手的组合,独臂拥抱

  • Unlike the traditional hug, which symbolically and effectively removes interpersonal barriers and unites the two persons embracing, the pound hug—performed by keeping the right hand locked in handshake while the left arm wraps around the other's shoulder—interposes the obstacle of the two right arms to the joining of the two bodies. The origin of this hug is not clear.

  • 与传统不同的拥抱,象征性地和有效地消除人际交往障碍和团结两个人拥抱,英镑保持执行的拥抱右手锁在握手而左手臂环绕对方的肩上设置障碍的两条右胳膊两个机构的加盟。 这拥抱的起源尚不清楚。

Fist pump

Andy Murray pumps his fist after beating Roger Federer.

Fist pump

  • The fist pump is a celebratory gesture in which a fist is raised before the torso and subsequently drawn down and nearer to the body in a vigorous, swift motion. The fist pump is sometimes carried out in parts of the Western Hemisphere, Europe, and Japan (where it is known as guts pose) to denote enthusiasm, exuberance, or success and may be accompanied by a similarly energetic exclamation or vociferation. The gesture may be executed once or in a rapid series.

  • Though they are notably conspicuous in sporting activities] (especially upon the attainment of a goal or score), fist pumps are present in a wide range of other activities.

Hand heart

Hand heart

  • A hand heart gesture in which a person forms a heart shape using their fingers. Hand hearts are usually more popular within the young generation.

  • The sign grew in popularity when Taylor Swift learned it from Asian culture and then started using it in her live shows,  and spread to other celebrities including 

  • Justin Bieber, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, and Katy Perry.

  • Hand hearts are widely used everywhere in the world, and appear often in pictures taken by individuals and celebrities

A tip o' the hat (US President CalvinCoolidge, 1924).

Hat tip

  • A hat tip is an act of tipping or (especially in British English) doffing one's hat as a cultural expression of recognition, respect, gratitude, greeting, or simple salutation and acknowledgement between two persons. In Western societies of the 19th and early 20th centuries, a hat tip was a common non-verbal greeting between friends or acquaintances while walking or meeting at a social gathering.

  • Typically, two men (female hat tipping was rare) would lift or tip their hats to each other, rather than exchange words of greeting. Where the ritual was used to emphasize social distance, the subordinate was obliged to make the more elaborate gesture, for example fully removing his hat while the superior merely touched his. The military hand salute is thought to have originated as a stylized hat tip; while the civilian may return a salute via a hat tip.  In its modern use, the hat tip has been replaced by the nod as a manner of respect. If one man gives another the nod, he should return in kind with either the casual nod up or the formal nod down

gift of raising one 's hat













with hat in hand,意为“对……膜拜,


I take my hat off to him.意为


A high five between two

U.S. Navy Sailors

The gesture probably originated in

American professional sports.

Picture of Drew Storen (right) and

Wilson Ramos of the Washington Nationals (2011).

High five

  • the high five is a hand gesture that occurs when two people simultaneously raise one hand each, about head-high, and push, slide, or slap the flat of their palm against the flat palm of the other person. The gesture is often preceded verbally by a phrase like "Give me five" or "High five." Its meaning varies with the context of use but can include as a greeting, congratulations or celebration

Air five

An air five is a variation where the hands of the participants never physically touch, needing only line of sight to make the gesture.It has an advantage for participants who are otherwise too far apart to achieve physical contact at the moment of the gesture. The participants may simply pretend to high five, or add an imitation sound of hand slapping. Also known as the wi-five, a mix of "wireless" and "high five" with a pun on wi-fi, a wireless computer technology.

Two women engaging in an air five.

A U.S. airman and a Māori warrior exchange a hongi during a pōwhiriceremony



  • A hongi is a traditional Māori greeting in New Zealand. It is done by pressing one's nose and forehead (at the same time) to another person at an encounter. In the hongi, the ha (or breath of life), is exchanged and intermingled. The breath of life can also be interpreted as the sharing of both party's souls.Through the exchange of this physical greeting, one is no longer considered manuhiri (visitor) but rather tangata whenua, one of the people of the land. For the remainder of one's stay one is obliged to share in all the duties and responsibilities of the home people

  • When Māori greet one another by pressing noses, the tradition of sharing the breath of life is considered to have come directly from the gods









The ILY is a common sign in 

Deaf culture meaning, "I Love You" (informal).


ILY sign

  • The ILY is a sign from American Sign Language which, as a gesture, has moved into the mainstream. Seen primarily in the United States and otherAmericanized countries, the sign originated among deaf schoolchildren using American Sign Language to create a sign from a combination of the signs for the letters I, L and Y (I Love You)


Romeo and Juliet in a painting by Sir Frank Dicksee.

Lovers kissing in the park

Elvis Presley kissing his

new bride Priscilla Wagner

on their wedding day, May 1,

1967, at the Aladdin Hotel

in Las Vegas, Nevada

The kiss of Judas

"The Taking of Christ" by Caravaggio depicts Judas betrayingJesus with a kiss as a signal to arrest Jesus.

Jean-Honoré Fragonard

 The Stolen Kiss

Kiss with humor. Priest and

lady of clubs. 

Rijeka Carnival 

in February 2008.

an kissing the ground after a long sea voyage (as part of a reenactment of the first landing of English settlers in Virginia in 1607)

Black-tailed prairie dogs"kissing." Prairie dogs use a nuzzle of this variety to greet their relatives.[

            Kissing the Blarney Stone

Kiss on the crucifix in Christianity

Denis Thatcher, husband of Margaret

Thatcher, kissing the hand of 

Nancy Reagan wife of US President in1988


  • a gesture indicating courtesy, politeness, respect, admiration or even devotion by one person toward another.A hand-kiss is initiated by the person receiving the greeting by holding out their hand with the palm facing downward; or by the person giving the greeting, by extending a hand to grasp the recipient's hand. The person kissing bows towards the offered hand and (symbolically) touches the knuckles with their lips, while lightly holding the offered hand. However, the lips do not actually touch the hand in modern tradition. The gesture is short, lasting less than a second.

  • Hand-kissing has become rare and is mostly restricted to the conservative upper class or diplomats.

  • In Turkey, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei and the Philippines, hand-kissing is a common way to greet elder people of both genders, primarily the closest relatives (both parents, grandparents, and uncles or aunts) and teachers. Occasionally, after kissing the hand, the greeter will draw the hand to his own forehead.

  • The hand-kiss is used quite prominently in The Godfather series, as a way to indicate the person who is the Don. It also features in epoch films, such as Dangerous Liaisons.




Blowing a kiss.

行吻手礼时,男士行至女士面前距约80 厘米,首先立正欠身致敬,女士先将右手轻轻向左前方抬起约60 度时,男士以右手或双手轻轻抬起女士的右手,同时俯身弯腰以自己微闭的嘴唇象征性地轻触一下女士的手背或手指,要稳重、自然、利索,不发出“吮”的声音,不留“遗迹” 。行吻手礼仅限于室内,而且主要是男士向已婚女士表示的一种敬意。在法国、波兰和拉美的一些国家里,向已婚女士行吻手礼,是男士有教养的表现。因此,在涉外场合,如果外方男士向中方女士行吻手礼时,应礼貌地予以接受。

This woodcut of the practice of kissing the Pope's toe is fromPassionary of the Christ and Antichrist by Lucas Cranach the Elder.




Air kiss

  • The air kiss is a ritual or social gesture whose meaning is basically the same as that of many forms of kissing. The air kiss is a pretence of kissing: the lips are pursed as if kissing, but without actually touching the other person's body. Sometimes, the air kiss includes touching cheek-to-cheek. Also, the gesture may be accompanied by the mwah sound


A symbolic kiss is frequent in Western cultures. A kiss can be "blown" to another by kissing the fingertips and then blowing the fingertips, pointing them in the direction of the recipient. This is used to convey affection, usually when parting or when the partners are physically distant but can view each other. Blown kisses are also used when a person wishes to convey affection to a large crowd or audience. The term flying kiss is used in India to describe a blown kiss


L'Amour et Psyche,

enfants" Amorcheek

kissing Psyche.

Oil on canvas by 


Bouguereau. 1890

Judas cheek kissing Christ. Oil on canvas by Caravaggio, 1602

A father kissing the cheek of his daughter


Cheek kissing

  • a ritual or social kissing gesture to indicate friendship, perform a greeting, to confer congratulations, to comfort someone, to show respect, or to indicate sexual or romantic interest. Double Cheek Kissing in the Italian families is a ritual of "I have your back and you have mine", it's the holy Grail of ultimate loyalty. Then when approaching the head of the family a Double kissed on the cheek starting with the right side, and then it was customed to kiss the hand and the ring. Starting the double kiss on the left was considered the Judas Kiss.

A Mohiniattam dancer

making a Namaste


Pressing hands together with

a smile to greet Namaste –

a common cultural practice

in India.

Surya Namaskara,

salutations to Surya.


  • a respectful form of greeting in Hindu custom, found on the Indian Subcontinent mainly in India and Nepal and among the Indian diaspora. It is used both for salutation and valediction.  Namaste  is usually spoken with a slight bow and hands pressed together, palms touching and fingers pointing upwards, thumbs close to the chest. This gesture is called Añjali Mudrā or Pranamasana.In Hinduism it means "I bow to the divine in you". The greeting may also be spoken without the gesture or the gesture performed wordlessly, carrying the same meaning.

合十礼(salute with putting palms together)——印度泰国,缅甸,老挝佛教国家






Different degrees of bowing and prostration,

 here drawn fromEastern Orthodox 

religious liturgical use

Students wearing suits, hakama and a kimono bow to the president of the school and then to the audience at the 2015 Waseda Universitygraduation ceremony in Japan.

Steven Gerrard performing a wai


uslim practitioners performing Sajdah or Sujud.


Judo practitioner (right) performs a bow while seated in seiza.

Bowing (also called stooping)

  • the act of lowering the torso and head as a social gesture in direction to another person or symbol. It is most prominent in Asian cultures but it is also typical of nobility and aristocracy in many countries and distinctively in Europe. It is also used in religious contexts, as a form of worship or veneration. Sometimes the gesture may be limited to lowering the head such as in Indonesia, and in many cultures several degrees of the lowness of the bow are distinguished and regarded as appropriate for different circumstances. It is especially prominent

  • in India, Thailand,China, Korea, Taiwan, Japan, and Vietnam where it may be executed standing or kneeling. Some bows are performed equally by two or more people while others are unequal - the person bowed to either does not bow in return or performs a less low bow in response. A nod of the head may be regarded as the minimal form of bow; forms of kneeling, genuflection, or prostration which involves the hands or whole body touching the ground, are the next levels of gesture.






An indicator of respect



动作按钮:开始 128007


鞠躬对韩国和朝鲜人来说也很讲究。我们可以经常看到,韩国和朝鲜妇女在会谈、宴会或作客时,一手提裙,一手下垂鞠躬,告别时面对客人慢慢退去,表示 一种诚恳和敬意。行鞠躬礼掌握的要领是:

A、 脖子不可伸得太长,不可挺出下颏;

B、 耳和肩在同一高度:

C、 保持正确的站立姿势,两腿并拢,双目注视对方的胸部,随着身体向下弯曲,双手逐渐向下,







Presenting flowers to The Queen outside Brisbane City Hall in March 1954


  •  curtsey (also spelled curtsy or even incorrectly courtsey) is a traditional gesture of greeting, in which a girl or woman bends her knees while bowing her head. It is the female equivalent of male bowing in Western cultures. Miss Manners characterizes its knee bend as deriving from a "traditional gesture of an inferior to a superior." The word "curtsy" is a phonological change from "courtesy" known in linguistics as syncope.

Francis of Assisi in genuflection (painting by Francisco Zurbarán)

1909 drawing of Hermod genuflecting before Hela, from Norse religion

         Capt. James A. Symonds, Commanding Officer  

        of the USS Ronald Reagan, genuflects while  

       presenting the former American President's  

       casket flag to former First Lady Nancy Reagan   


  • or genuflexion), bending at least one knee to the ground, was from early times a gesture of deep respect for a superior. In 328 BC,Alexander the Great introduced into his court-etiquette some form of genuflection already in use in Persia.In the Byzantine Empire even senators were required to genuflect to the emperorIn medieval Europe, one demonstrated respect for a king or noble by going down on one knee. often remaining there until told to rise. It is traditionally often performed in western cultures by a male making a proposal of marriage. Today, the gesture is common in the Christian religious practices of the Anglican Church, Lutheran Church,Roman Catholic Church, and Western Rite Orthodox Church.

Kowtowing in China



  • Kowtow, which is borrowed from kau tau in Cantonese (koutou in Mandarin Chinese), is the act of deep respect shown by prostration, that is,kneeling and bowing so low as to have one's head touching the ground. An alternative Chinese term is ketou; however, the meaning is somewhat altered: kou has the general meaning of knock, whereas ke has the general meaning of "touch upon (a surface)", tou meaning head.

  • In East Asian culture, the kowtow is the highest sign of reverence. It was widely used to show reverence for one's elders, superiors, and especially the Emperor, as well as for religious and cultural objects of worship. In modern times, usage of the kowtow has become reduced


                                Polish recruits are sworn in in 2007

                       German Reichswehrsoldiers

                       swear theHitler oath in 1934

Elisabeth Kopp's oath of office

after her election at the Swiss  

Federal Council in 1984, 

 Swiss Guard recruit being sworn in inVatican City in 2008



  • The Schwurhand (German pronunciation: is a heraldic charge depicting the hand gesture that is used in Germanic Europe and neighboring countries, when swearing an oath in court, in office or in swearing-in. The right hand is raised, with the index finger and middle finger extended upwards; the last two digits are curled downwards against the palm. The thumb is shown slightly curled or raised.



Scouting leader and a new

  Scout exchange salutes

Polish style salute,

using two fingers

The civilian Secretary General of NATO Joseph Luns tips his hat at a troop review in 1983, in lieu of a military salute. This (the full gesture is shown here) was by then becoming old-fashioned as a general social greeting, but had once been normal.


Rustic Civility by William Collins showing a child "tugging his forelock" as a person of higher standing passes on horseback (only visible by the shadow)



  • A salute is a gesture or other action used to display respect. Salutes are primarily associated with armed forces, but other organisations and civilians also use salutes.

Roman salute

The Oath of the Horatii,  

byJacques-Louis David


Roman salute

  • The Roman salute is a gesture in which the arm is held out forward straight, with palm down, and fingers touching. In some versions, the arm is raised upward at an angle; in others, it is held out parallel to the ground. In contemporary times, the former is widely considered a symbol of fascism that is commonly perceived to be based on a custom in ancient Rome.However, no Roman text gives this description and the Roman works of art that display salutational gestures bear little resemblance to the modern Roman salute.

Nazi salute

Nazi salute

  • the Nazi salute or Hitler salute is a gesture that was used as a greeting in Nazi Germany. The salute is performed by extending the right arm in the air with a straightened hand. Usually, the person offering the salute would say "Heil Hitler!" (Hail Hitler!), "Heil, mein Führer!" (Hail, my leader!), or "Sieg Heil!" (Hail victory!). It was adopted in the 1930s by the Nazi Party to signal obedience to the party's leader – Adolf Hitler – and to glorify the German nation (and later the German war effort). The salute was mandatory for civilians, but was mostly optional for military personnel who retained the traditional military salute until shortly after the failed assassination attempt on Hitler in 1944.

Scout sign and salute

Ukrainian Girl Scout from

 Plast making the Scout Sign

         A christmas cookie as

            three-finger salute.

  • the three-finger salute is used by members of Scout and Guide organizations around the world when greeting other Scouts and in respect of a national flag at ceremonies. In most situations, the salute is made with the right hand, palm face out, the thumb holding down the little finger, and with the fingertips on the brow of the head. There are some variations of the salute between national Scouting organizations and also within some programme sections.


Military Salute

  • In military traditions of various times and places, there have been numerous methods of performing salutes, using hand gestures, cannon or rifle shots, hoisting of flags, removal of headgear, or other means of showing respect or deference.

Military Salute

Israeli style salute at IDF ceremony for the newly appointed Commander in Chief of Israeli Navy, Brig. General Ram Rotenberg

A captain of the French Navysalutes by

holding the back of his sabre to his face  

during the ceremonies of the 14th of  

July in Toulon.

  A cannon on a naval

   vessel's deck fired  

  during the arrival  

   of a dignitary.






 A U.S. Navy officer performs

 a military hand salute.

Albanian soldiers performing the Zogist salute

Pakistan army soldiers saluting

Zogist salute

Zogist salute

  • the Zogist salute or the nationalist Albanian salute, is a military salute of Albania since used by civilians in other countries.The salute is a gesture whereby the right hand is placed over the heart, with the palm facing downwards.

Raised fist

Painted symbol

of the Power Fist

Semih Erden at the2010 FIBA

World Championship

Raised fist

Hugo Chávez in Brazil in 2003.

Peace movement

Raised fist

  • The raised fist (also known as the clenched fist) is a symbol of solidarity and support. It is also used as a salute to express unity, strength, defiance, or resistance. The salute dates back to ancient Assyria as a symbol of resistance in the face of violence.




拥抱和亲吻一样是通过身体的某一部分的接触来表示尊敬和亲热。拥抱可以理解为缩短了距离的握手,或者是胸部的亲吻。拥抱的标准方式:两人相距20 厘米相对而立,各自抬起右臂,将右手扶着对方的左后肩,左手扶着对方的右后腰,双方的头部及上身向左前方相互拥抱,礼节性的拥抱到此结束。但为了表达更为亲密的感情在向左侧拥抱之后,头部及上身向右前方拥抱,最后再次向左前方拥抱,才算完毕,男女之间则抱肩膀,与此同时亲面颊的方式是左右左交替。双方身体不宜贴得太紧,拥抱时间也较短便不能用嘴去亲对方的面颊。



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